Convergence of "New" Energies. Building Dreams and Sailing Afar — INVT E-mobility's 2023 Campus Recruitment Employee Welcome Event



In the vibrant summer, youth sets sail.
Once again, scorching July is here.
INVT E-mobility warmly welcomes the rising stars of youth 
the new employees recruited from the 2023 campus recruitment event!

To help new employees seamlessly integrate into the INVT E-mobility family and swiftly adapt to their new surroundings and roles, INVT E-mobility organized the 2023 Campus Recruitment Employee Welcome Event on the 17th of July, 2023, in the multifunctional hall on the 13th floor of Building A. General Manager Zhang Kemeng and leaders from various levels of the Campus Recruitment Reception Department attended this meeting.


Introduction to the Campus Recruitment Reception and Training Programs
At the start of the meeting, Director General Chen from the Human Resources and Administration Department introduced the 2023 Campus Recruitment Reception and Training Programs of INVT E-mobility. Director General Chen provided a detailed explanation of the training program and encouraged the new campus recruits with the motto: "Mentors lead the way, but personal growth depends on the individual". With a fresh outlook in this new environment, we believe that our new partners have gained a good understanding of the company's training plans.
Introduction of New Stars
The 45 new members come from various parts of the country, bringing their diverse personalities with them. However, united by a common choice, they gathered in Guangming, Shenzhen, to become members of the INVT E-mobility family. Through their own unique self-introductions, the distance between teachers, students, and partners gradually narrowed.
Speeches by Campus Recruitment Employee Representatives
During the segment where new employee representatives delivered speeches, we invited four colleagues from different departments. In these speeches, they shared insights on adjusting mindsets, self-positioning, and reinforcing responsibilities. Each representative had their own style. Some were rigorous and rational, while others humorously narrated their journey from signing the labor contract to the present day. Some expressed a humble desire for knowledge and collaboration with the team, while others conveyed their determination to maintain a sense of responsibility, initiative, courage, and gratitude, and to face unknown challenges with bravery.

Speeches by Previous Campus Recruitment Employee Representatives
As representatives of previous campus recruitment cohorts, Senior Li from the outstanding graduates of 2017 and Senior Deng from the outstanding graduates of 2022 offered sincere advice to the new partners from the perspective of experienced individuals. They encouraged the newcomers not to fear making mistakes, highlighted the challenges and injustice they might face at work, and emphasized the importance of maintaining a balanced mindset. Their words served as valuable psychological support, instilling the new partners with the courage required to face the unknown.

Mentorship Ceremony
During the mentorship ceremony, the new partners collectively recited the mentorship oath with resoluteness. The mentors, in turn, earnestly recited the acceptance oath. After the exchange of tokens and tea ceremonies, the mentor-disciple relationships were officially established. This bond is a lifelong friendship, and all mentors and disciples will cherish it.
With a respectful "Master", a cup of clear tea, a commitment, and a lifelong friendship.
Speeches by Mentor Representatives
Senior Systems Engineer Mr. Zhang from the Drive Product R&D Department expressed his hope for the new colleagues to maintain positive mindsets and enthusiasm for their work. Software Engineer Mr. Peng from the Vehicle Product R&D Department assured the newcomers that the mentors would do their utmost to impart experience and provide assistance. The mentors, with their encouragement and commitment, filled the new colleagues with gratitude, instilling them both with the confidence and motivation to strive for success.

Leaders' Speeches
Director General Yu from the R&D Center offered five pieces of advice to the new employees, hoping that they would quickly adapt from campus life to the workplace and become truly competent professionals. Sales Director Nian congratulated everyone on making their second correct life choice, advising them to focus, not to fear putting in extra effort, to plan early, and to relieve stress when appropriate. The care and expectations of the leaders not only inspired the new colleagues but also warmed the hearts of everyone present.

Address by the General Manager Zhang Kemeng
Finally, General Manager Zhang Kemeng provided several pieces of advice for the new campus recruitment employees. Firstly, the work goal is not just completing tasks but creating value for customers and the company. Secondly, colleague relationships are not about competition but collaboration. Only by working together to achieve company goals can everyone achieve success. Thirdly, new employees should possess three mindsets — customer awareness, openness, and daring to challenge and innovate. General Manager Zhang Kemeng's advice is not only applicable to new employees but is also worthy of being practiced and understood by all current employees.
As the farewell meeting draws to a close,
The new colleagues embark on a journey filled with hope,
Embarking on a dedicated six-month training,
To nurture and develop their potential.